Who We Are
We're Friendly
Offering you a cup of tea.
Asking about your week.
Inviting you to meet for a chat.
These are not innovations or new concepts, but being friendly seems to be in short supply these days. At Southside, we aim to greet every single person who walks through our doors with a smile and a pleasant welcome.
We won't single you out during the service, but we do promise to notice your presence whether it is your first time, first time in a long time, or your 1,000th time.

We're Baptist
We are unashamed to be Baptist. What we mean when we say that we are Baptist is that we believe in Believer's baptism. Our goal at Southside is to make followers of Christ, and one of the first steps on that journey is baptism. It is a sign of our new life in Christ. It is identification with His Death, Burial, and Resurrection for us. It is a step of obedience. Just like a photographer will put a watermark on their images to let everyone know those pictures are their property, Baptism places a watermark on the believer that lets everyone know they have followed Christ in Believer's Baptism.
We're a Community. For the Community
Community means a lot to us. All those who are in Christ are called to follow Him in community with other believers. We are also here for the local community. We want to positively impact our community. Because this is OUR community.